At the 2023 LeMay Museum 70th Birthday of Corvette Celebration

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Photo by Cheryl Sharkey

President Don Evans reporting: The morning’s crisp air showcased two beautiful Corvettes waiting in the WILCO parking lot as I drove up. Former members Mike Marum and Mike Orr were inside Mike’s C7 while Byran Lucas sat in his C7 convertible – top down – windows up – top down….arms crossed. I asked Byran if he was going up with the top down. Not much of a reply, but I believe his McDonald’s coffee might have been a little warm! Ms. Sharkey was getting dressed at home when we hit I-5 north, heading towards Tacoma and the Celebration of 70 years of Corvette.

One pit stop near Olympia and we were back on a quick run – yes – the two young ones asked the old guy to lead. Cheryl texted me stating she was about 5 minutes behind us. We arrived at the LeMay Museum, checked in and followed directions to the park. Yes, Cheryl showed up – maybe 7 minutes behind us!!

There was one C-8 Z06 with Z07 package…. love the sound! The weather was wonderful, over 80 Corvettes. There were raffle prizes, a food cart and beer garden. Plus, entry into the event gave one a full day pass into the LeMay Museum. If you have never seen the museum, it is four stories of 1900 to 2023 cars displayed. If you love automobile history, this museum should be on your to do list.